“Attending the Silver Human Factors Training has introduced me to the Yorkshire Contributory Factors Framework which we are going to use to look at the wider impact of incidents in our organisation.”
Tracey Kershaw is a Quality and Safety Lead at Airedale NHS Foundation Trust. Tracey is a qualified nurse and currently works in the Quality and Safety Team at her organisation. She manages the incident reporting system, trend and theme analysis, serious incident reporting process, coroners work, and supporting learning and improvement from incidents. As Tracey manages the serious incident process at her organisation she thought that the content of the Silver Human Factors Training would be useful for her role.
Tracey’s key learning from the course was around the Yorkshire Contributory Factors Framework. Since attending the session, Tracey has started to use the framework as part of the investigation process at her organisation. Tracey talks through contributory factors with the Lead Investigator and is now looking at using as part of the statement taking part of the investigation. Tracey is also planning to teach the Yorkshire Contributing Factors Framework on the ‘Investigating and Managing Risk’ teaching session in her Trust.
Tracey is currently looking at incorporating her learning from the Silver Human Factors Training day into her trust’s investigations by adapting the Yorkshire Contributory Factors Framework and using the learning from this to look at the wider impact of incidents.
Tracey attended the Improvement Academy Silver Human Factors training day, funded through the Yorkshire and Humber AHSN on 13th November 2018.