Improvement Academy Network


In A Nutshell:

A network for anyone using quality improvement methodology; to connect with like-minded individuals and share learning to enable the spread and adoption of programmes across the network.

Who is this network for?

Anyone who is using quality improvement to make a difference to the health and social care, and wants to connect with like-minded colleagues

Our network aims to:

  • a peer-led clinical network that connects, improves and supports the development and shared learning
  • enable the spread of programmes of quality and safety improvement across the network
  • bring together both experts and novices from across the region to become a force for positive change.


When do we meet? Two meetings per year

How the network started

This Network was set up in December 2013 and absorbed the Q network in 2016. The aim is to provide a peer-led clinical network that connects, improves and supports the development and shared learning. It also provides the platform to enable the spread of programmes of quality and safety improvement across the network, bringing together both experts and novices from across the region to become a force for positive change.

The Improvement Academy holds two Network meetings a year so that Fellows can come together, refresh their batteries and connect with like-minded colleagues. Outside of the formal meetings, we support individual Fellows in bespoke ways; signposting them to our Improvement programs, advising and coaching them in their improvement endeavours.

The Network is inclusive, not exclusive, so anyone working in the NHS in Yorkshire can become an Improvement Fellow. There are now Lead Improvement Fellow within nearly all our Trusts and other organisations so if you are interested in becoming a Fellow with us please contact Alison Lovatt to learn more.

who we are working with

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Contact Information

Alison Lovatt

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“You managed to bring much energy and empathy to the discussion of Significant Events occurring in General Practice..”

Dr Rob Penman, Prescribing Lead NHS – Harrogate and Rural District CCG