We are a team of improvement scientists, patient safety experts and clinicians who are committed to working with frontline services, patients and the public to deliver real and lasting change. We adopt a theory-based approach to improvement that’s practical, tried and tested.
The Improvement Academy was established in 2013 as part of the Bradford Institute for Health Research to support innovation and improvement in delivery of health care services. We are hosted within the NHS by Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
The Academy is the implementation arm of the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration in Yorkshire and Humber and we deliver the Patient Safety Collaborative on behalf of the Yorkshire and Humber AHSN. In 2015, the Improvement Academy became one of the eight founding members of the UK Improvement Alliance, a learning network focused on delivering better health and care for the UK.
Learn more about how the Improvement Academy can help you and your organisation.
Who we’ve worked with
Our partnerships are centred in the Yorkshire and Humber region but extend nationally. We are continuously developing our partnerships and relationships with health and care organisations.
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