Public Involvement

We involve patients, carers and the public in our work in the following ways:

  1. We host the Quality & Safety Patient Panel in partnership with the YQSR research group.  This panel provides a sounding board for patient, carer and public views that are used to inform research and improvement projects in health and social care. Our 9 panel members have a wealth of knowledge of services in the region, and are also well connected with other forums, networks and groups such as Healthwatch, chaplaincies, NHS Boards, community groups, patient participation groups, and various health service user groups.
  2. We are growing links with outreach partners – groups in the community who we regularly visit to consult on our work. Our first outreach partner is Ivy Care, a specialist care provider that supports people with learning disabilities and complex needs.
  3. We regularly talk to members of the public at our Community Health Check events. These are held in community settings providing advice, heart and diabetes checks.  We use these opportunities to talk to people about their experiences of health services and how they could be improved.

Who we’ve worked with

Ramsay Health Care
Yorkshire and Humber Academic Health Science Network
Sue Ryder logo
Royal College of Physicians
chcp logo
NIHR Yorkshire and Humber
Office for Health Improvement & Disparities

Work With Us

Our partnerships are centred in the Yorkshire and Humber region but extend nationally. We are continuously developing our partnerships and relationships with health and care organisations.