Dr Sally-Anne Wilson

Clinical Lead for Patient Safety

Contact Details

Email: Sally-Anne.Wilson@yhia.nhs.uk

Sally-Anne joined the team (part-time) in September 2016. provides leadership works across a number of projects including the Emergency Laparotomy Collaborative, safer care in Emergency Departments and supporting units to use PRASE (Patient Reporting for a Safer Environment).

Sally-Anne supervises Leeds medical students doing Extended Student-led Research or Evaluation Project (ESREP), and currently has 2 students looking at the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS) emergency department incident data.

She is also a member of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine’s (RCEM) Safer Care sub-committee and Quality in Emergency Care Committee, and represents RCEM on the National Emergency Laparotomy Audit Clinical Reference Group.

Work With Us

Our partnerships are centred in the Yorkshire and Humber region but extend nationally. We are continuously developing our partnerships and relationships with health and care organisations.