Programme Case Studies

Improvement Academy Masterclasses and Roundtables


During 2015 and the first quarter of 2016 we have run approximately 90 events ranging from half day workshops to full day conferences. These regular events support our projects and programmes and promote best practice throughout the UK, not just Yorkshire and the Humber and are free to all NHS and Care organisation staff within our region.


  • Over 2000 people from a range of health and care organisations have attended at least one of our training events or conferences
  • Frontline clinicians, patients and the public have benefitted through shared learning, reduced clinical isolation and the opportunity to improve healthcare.
  • We have been commissioned to deliver our Achieving Behaviour Change workshops in Wales and the rest of England, and in 2016 we will be delivering our mortality review training across England and Scotland.
  • Our training is universally well-evaluated with all scores above 80% and feedback showing the content to have been interesting, valuable and thought provoking.

Very interesting to understand how people will review notes to understand the process and how this will identify issues/good practice” Mortality Case Note Review training

“Will definitely take it forward”  Mortality Case Note Review training

“Very well organised and structured”  Achieving Behaviour Change

“A nice mix of presentation and theory and exercises and practice. Light-hearted and fun”  Achieving Behaviour Change