Our Gold Trainers Network has been developed to support the delivery of high quality face-to-face Quality Improvement training. The network allows members to share ideas, materials and support, as well as contribute to the on-going development and refinement of our Silver training. The first wave of Gold trainers completed our ‘Train the Trainer’ competency-based 2-day programme in October 2015.

- We now have a cohort of 20 Gold trainers across 10 organisations in Yorkshire and Humber
- The network has enabled us to identify and develop a pool of skills for Quality Improvement Training
- The training ensures a structured approach to Quality Improvement Training across Yorkshire and Humber and promotes cross working across organisations
- This network supports the delivery of high quality QI training in our organisations and helps to identify and bridge gaps
The Future
The Improvement Academy will continue to deliver Gold level ‘Train the Trainer’ programs to ensure the continued growth of the Gold Trainers Network.
The Gold Trainers Network will continue to support the development and delivery of Silver level training for teams across the Yorkshire and Humber.
You can find out more about Gold Level Qaulity Improvement Training here.