Safety Measurement Framework e-Guide


The Measurement and Monitoring of Safety Framework was developed by Professor Charles Vincent, Susan Burnett and Jane Carthy and published by The Health Foundation in 2013. The framework draws together academic evidence and practical experience. The Improvement Academy was commissioned by the Health Foundation to support frontline NHS organisations to test the framework in practice. Together with UK Improvement Alliance partners and The Health Foundation, we produced an interactive e-guide in 2017 to support organisations and individuals wanting to apply the framework in healthcare settings to make care safer.

Safety Measurement Framework Diagram
Safety Measurement Framework Diagram

The e-guide condenses the learning and experiences from four regional improvement bodies, (AQuAHaeloHealthcare Improvement Scotland and the Improvement Academy) into helpful case studies and templates to support uses and applications of the framework. In the e-guide you will find examples from board to ward within the following areas:

  • Ambulance services
  • Mental health
  • Acute hospitals
  • Primary care

For further information and related resources, please visit: How safe is our care

See also Debbie Clark’s blog on the National Measurement and Monitoring of Safety Event hosted by the Improvement Academy in Birmingham.

Huddle Up for Safer Healthcare: Scaling up safety huddles across 5 Yorkshire hospital sites