Quality Improvement Training: Level 3: Leader; learning by doing (and undoing)


In A Nutshell:

Quality Improvement Training: Level 3: Leader; learning by doing (and undoing)

Course Dates: Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th March 2025, 09:00 – 16:00

Delivery platform: This training will take place at Bradford Royal Infirmary.

Registration: To book a place, please email: Academy@yhia.nhs.uk

Places cost £560 per person. Payment details will be provided once places are booked. Please get in touch via email: Academy@yhia.nhs.uk.

For further information please contact Jane Hudson via: academy@yhia.nhs.uk.

Course Aims and Overview:
To explore the factors that help or hinder improvement efforts.
To take a deeper dive into the application of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Model for Improvement.
To look into sustainability and spread, including de implementation.
To draw upon other systems of understanding, tools and frameworks to develop your skills as an improvement leader.

Course format:
Participants self rate their knowledge before and after the course.
The two day course is highly interactive.
Participants are asked to reflect on and share past experiences of leading quality Improvement activities, including what worked well and what didn’t.

Course Requirements:
Participants are expected to have completed the Improvement Academy Bronze QI e-learning and QI Practitioners course and/or have relevant experience and skills.

Our course trainers:

Maureen Mc George –Maureen has extensive experience of quality improvement training, improving service quality and patients’ experience. In 2011, she qualified as an Improvement Advisor with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.

Mel Johnson –Mel leads the Yorkshire and Humber Patient
Safety Collaborative and brings an applied focus on Human Factors and behaviour change to ‘learning by doing’ QI training.

Dr Sally-Anne Wilson –Sally-Anne provides leadership across a number of patient safety projects and is part of our Quality Improvement facilitation team. She is a consultant in emergency medicine and chairs the regional board of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) and the RCEM Safer Care Committee.

who we are working with

The work being led by the Improvement Academy - such as safety huddles - is nothing short of awe-inspiring. I was particularly struck by the Academy's approach to improvement."

Richard Taunt – Director, UKIA

Quality Improvement Training: Level 3: Leader; learning by doing (and undoing)

Job Title