Introduction to Safety Huddles – A virtual Masterclass for Acute


In A Nutshell:

Our Introductory Masterclass provides an overview of HUSH safety huddles, and the impact they have had on organisations, teams and individuals working in the Acute sector.

Date: Thursday 29th February 2023, 14.30 – 16.00

Delivery platform: This training will be delivered via Teams.

Registration: To book a place, please email:

Limited funded places on this masterclass are available to people employed within a health or social care organisation. If you are not based in a health or social care organisation, fees may apply. Please get in touch via email:

In this Masterclass, we will introduce you to:

  • The evidence-base behind our safety huddles
  • How we started / early testing
  • What does a HUSH safety huddle look like?
  • The basic principles of a HUSH safety huddle
  • The impact that safety huddles have had on teams and the impact on some of the harms

This Masterclass will be delivered virtually in one 1.5 hour session by our safety huddles’ experts:


Alison Lovatt

Director of Nursing, Improvement Academy

Alison was fundamental in designing and developing the HUSH programme, including the integration of systematic measuring and addressing of safety culture.


Dr Ali Cracknell

Consultant in Medicine for Older People and Associate Medical Director for Quality Improvement, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Ali led the Health Foundation Scaling up Improvement Grant: Huddle Up for Safer Healthcare with over 150 frontline lines. She has a passion for patient safety and in 2014 was named as one of the HSJ Top Innovators in Healthcare.


Dr Anna Winfield

Specialist in Elderly Medicine and Quality Improvement, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Anna supports the Improvement Academy to spread HUSH safety huddles and to deliver Quality Improvement training. She has delivered many successful frontline QI projects including reducing avoidable deterioration, falls and pressure ulcers.

who we are working with

The work being led by the Improvement Academy - such as safety huddles - is nothing short of awe-inspiring. I was particularly struck by the Academy's approach to improvement."

Richard Taunt – Director, UKIA

Introduction to Safety Huddles – A virtual Masterclass for Acute

Job Title