“We now understand the importance of putting measurement over time at the heart of a quality improvement strategy.”
Lucy Riggs is a Quality Improvement Practitioner, working in the Quality Improvement team at City Healthcare Partnership CIC. Lucy also completed the Silver and Gold Quality Improvement Training (funded by the YHAHSN) and is an active member of the Quality Improvement Trainers Network. Lucy coaches clinicians in her organisation to deliver QI projects and also delivers Silver Quality Improvement Training in her trust. She is using her training to deliver her organisation’s QI strategy.
Lucy’s team had started using SPC charts (introduced by the Improvement Academy) and wanted more in depth knowledge of what variation is. The QI team attended the Understanding and Reducing Variation in Healthcare course together and are now developing a plan for integrating ‘measurement for improvement’ into the organisation’s reporting. Lucy now feels she understands the importance of putting measurement over time at the heart of their quality improvement strategy.
Lucy attended the Improvement Academy Understanding and Reducing Variation in Healthcare course, funded through the Yorkshire and Humber AHSN on 17th October 2018.