Programme Case Studies

Improvement Academy Observatory


Across Yorkshire and Humber organisations analyse their own data, with limited access to information about how other organisations are performing. At the Improvement Academy we are developing our offering to our organisations by providing a place where region-wide analysis can be developed and presented. This is our Observatory, and priorities for this work will be informed by our members’ requirements. The first stage of this has been the development of a Patient Safety Dashboard, based on Safety Thermometer information.


  • Member organisations engaged to determine analytical priorities, including face-to-face meetings
  • Training in Statistical Process Control (SPC) production delivered on site to teams of analysts. This is already being used to help organisations interpret their own data
  • Worked with colleagues on the Safety Measurement and Monitoring Programme to develop practical data visualisations to assist with improving patient safety
  • Patient Safety Dashboard developed which presents regional Safety Thermometer data in an accessible format, both online and in Excel
  • The Dashboard being used at Trust Board level to influence discussion around relative performance “Non-Executive Directors find this especially helpful and it helps to frame the Board’s discussion around relative performance” – Mike Wright, Executive Chief Nurse – Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals


  • Expand on our engagement with our members to ensure correct priorities
  • Further dashboards currently being developed, including Delayed Transfers of Care, Ambulance Quality Indicators, A&E Quality Indicators and Bed Occupancy
  • Develop relationships with organisations to enable sharing and analysis of their data
  • Work with the new ‘Connected Health Cities’ project to setup the infrastructure to share data between organisations
  • Obtain further regional and national datasets including Hospital Episode Statistics (HES)
  • Deliver further analytical training and advice through an analyst user group, meeting quarterly with input from our Academic Advisor Professor Mohammed Mohammed, University of Bradford.

You find out out more about our Observatory here.