“Attending the Human Factors Training was very helpful and useful for looking at the wider picture in improving patient safety.”
Mary Fletcher is a Patient Safety Coordinator for Serious Incidents in the Patient Safety Team at Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals. Mary is currently working in the serious incidents department and supports Patient Safety leads when they investigate serious incidents and issues across her trust. Mary’s day to day work includes improvement.
Mary attended the Silver Human Factors Training and now feels she has a greater understanding about Human Factors and taking these into account more when approaching change and improvement. She found the course helpful and useful for looking at the wider picture in improving patient safety. Since attending the session, Mary feels that she now views things differently, actively putting into place areas of the Silver Human Factors training. Mary and her team are currently using the Yorkshire Contributory Factors Framework daily with staff in her organisation.
Mary attended the Improvement Academy Silver Human Factors training day, funded through the Yorkshire and Humber AHSN on 24th January 2019.