Training Case Studies - Achieving Behaviour Change Workshop

Achieving Behaviour Change – Becky Hoskins, Deputy Director of Patient Safety


“The ABC process helps to drill down, in a systematic way, the issues surrounding an aspect of practice so that you have a comprehensive understanding of the barriers that need addressing.”

Becky Hoskins is the Deputy Director of Patient Safety at York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Becky leads the Patient Safety Portfolio including falls and pressure ulcers and reports to the Medical Director in the trust.

One of the main projects Becky leads is around ‘escalation of the deteriorating patient’. Becky attended the ABC workshop with a colleague who is leading the Sepsis work in York and both came out of the session, ‘buzzing with ideas’. After attending the session, Becky found that the ABC process helped to drill down, in a systematic way, the issues surrounding an aspect of practice so that you can have a comprehensive understanding of the barriers that need addressing.

Since attending the workshop, Becky is gathering a small multi-professional team to run a focus group to start understanding the barriers to escalation. Judith Dyson, who is a presenter at the ABC workshops, has been asked by York Hospitals to help facilitate the session.

Becky attended the Improvement Academy Achieving Behaviour Change workshop, funded through the Yorkshire and Humber AHSN on 9th November 2018.