The Improvement Academy collaborates with partners, including the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination at the University of York, to produce evidence briefings targeted at frontline clinicians, commissioners and managers. These short publications are designed to provide accessible and accurate summaries of the evidence to inform quality and safety improvement.
Reducing Harm from Polypharmacy in Older People
Recognising and managing frailty in primary care
Improving outcomes for residents of care homes
Acute Kidney Injury: the 5Rs approach
Triage and minimising crowding in emergency departments – January 2015
Preventing pressure ulcers – October 2014
Preventing falls in the community – October 2014
Impact of early warning systems on patient outcomes – September 2014
Preventing falls in hospitals – August 2014
Dementia carers: Effective information, support and services to meet their needs – May 2014
Patient safety: 10 things NHS Trusts should already be doing – Summer 2013