Quality Improvement Training – Bronze


In A Nutshell:

The Improvement Academy has developed Bronze entry level online training. This training is FREE and available for ALL healthcare providers and commissioners and anyone else who is interested in supporting or delivering improvement, and is available either via our online training platform, or through the National Electronic Staff Record.

The Challenge

Consultations across Yorkshire and Humber and discussions with our regional Quality Improvement Training Advisory Group highlighted wide variation and gaps in the provision of entry-level Quality Improvement training across our NHS organisations.

What did we do about it

In 2013 the Improvement Academy developed Bronze level Quality Improvement training which included a broad spectrum of foundation knowledge around the concepts of quality improvement, the Model for Improvement and some detailed descriptions of tools for improvement and how they can be used.

2020 saw the way we worked changed dramatically which led to us adapting and updating our training packages to make them accessible and relevant for the current climate. This has included development of a new version of Bronze Quality Improvement training.

Content of the Bronze QI Training

A key objective of the training is to help participants understand how and why everyone has a role to play and can contribute to Quality Improvement in their work area.

Module 1: Quality in the NHS (10 mins)
Module 2: Whose job is it to improve patient care? (10 mins)
Module 3: How do you improve patient care? (10 mins)
Module 4: What does using the Model for Improvement look like in practice? (10 mins)

All Modules end with a short quiz. On completion of ALL of the modules, trainees can download and print a certificate of completion to add to their training portfolio. A User Guide is also available although site navigation is explained throughout.

Our Bronze QI training can be used on a ‘stand-alone’ basis, or as entry to more advanced training Quality Improvement.

Further training options

When you have completed Bronze training you may want to consider attending the Yorkshire and Humber Improvement Academy Silver QI training. This course is delivered virtually and focuses on a practical application of the ‘Model for Improvement’ using a detailed improvement case study. You can find out more about Improvement Academy Silver training and dates of the next course by clicking here. (Trainees from outside the Yorkshire and Humber should consult your local training or improvement team to see what opportunities are available in your area).

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“These informative workshops have provided invaluable insight, which has lead us all to change our ways of working to provide better care for our customers”

Faheem and team at Asda Pharmacy, Morley